Thursday, September 6, 2012

Electronic cigarettes in Canadian law

According to Canadian Law, importing Nicotine-filled cartridges or fluid of any kind is illegal.

What does this mean to you?

It means that though you can import electronic cigarettes and accessories by themselves, you should not, under any circumstances order e-fluid with nicotine or starter kits that come with pre-filled cartridges from anyone outside of Canada.

I don't care if they tell you they have a safe way to send it to you, bottom line is there is a chance it will get confiscated at the border and you will lose everything, not just the liquid itself.

That being said, there are suppliers of liquid nicotine within Canada, and possibly e-juice.  You would have to find this out for yourself, as such practices are frowned upon by the Canadian government.

You could, for instance, buy liquid without any nicotine from a canadian supplier, and VG or PG (e-liquid bases) with added nicotine from someone else, and add them together.  This is somewhat difficult to do, and if you aren't very careful, may end up in overdose, so I do not recommend this course of action.

Instead, like I said earlier, ask around town or scour the internet until you find an experienced vaper that knows what's up and what to do.  Each area has its own supplier, so even if I wanted to help, I could not.

When in doubt, go to ECF (The electronic cigarette forums) and ask.  They have been very helpful to me personally, and will no doubt help you, provided you give them the same kindness and respect you expect in return.

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