I'm only covering these, as cartomizers are pretty much plug-and-play (tank/atomizer combo).
Separate all the pieces if not already done so.
Plug in and charge your battery - try to completely charge and then completely use it, it will make the battery last longer (for these kinds of batteries, they usually last a few hours of vaping for me, personally (a moderately heavy vaper)
Clean your atomizer - Primer fluid is gross, and all new atomizers come with it included (yuck). Basically, blow it out (mouth to the side that is not threaded to the battery) and rinse it in warm water thoroughly, letting it sit in a pool of it for about 5 minutes or so. Blow again, then make sure to dry it completely, especially the part that comes into contact with the battery, as if this gets too wet, it could cause the battery to short out. Then add a few drops (2-3) to the wick of the atty (the end that comes into contact with the cartridge) and let it sit for a few minutes.
Fill your cartridges - Hopefully you got the right fluid from someone and have a bottle of good e-juice ready to go. Put your cartridges into the atty to break the little seal. Make sure to twist it around a bit to make sure it's good and popped off. Take it out and you will notice a little hole in the end where it came into contact with the atomizer. Fill this full of your fluid (make sure to do it over the sink till you get the hang of not spilling). Clean it off with warm water (don't get any inside though) dry it, and put it into the atomizer.
Make sure the battery side of the atomizer is clean, as well as the port of the battery, then spin the atomizer into the battery and you're ready to go. Take a few warmup breaths (sucking the smoke into your mouth but not your lungs) to get the hang of it and also warm up the atty (atomizer). It'll take a while before you're used to it, and the flavour will also get better with time (not sure why, it just does).
The type of electronic cigarette featured here is the 510-T (all pics are of this type).
And now, you're ready to go.
Happy Vaping!
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