Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Are Electronic Cigarettes Bad for You?

Short answer: No

What do doctors and scientists say about the risks of electronic cigarettes?
A recent study states: “Non-cancer risk analysis revealed “No Significant Risk” of harm to human health for vapor samples from e-liquids”.  Further, ”For all by-products measured, electronic cigarettes produce very small exposures relative to tobacco cigarettes.  The study indicates no apparent risk to human health from e-cigarette emissions based on the compounds analyzed.”  Full abstract website.

No e-liquid without nicotine was tested. However, since e-cigarette liquid with no nicotine has the same base recipe to make it as nicotine enhanced e-liquid (propylene glycol, glycerin, water, flavoring) it follows that the results would be the same, probably even better for the lack of nicotine.
The study compared cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, and against current standards for indoor pollution as set by the government.  Obviously, “for tobacco smoke most findings markedly exceeded risk limits indicating a condition of “Significant Risk” of harm to human health.”  As for electronic cigarettes, it may shock some of the new readers somewhat to find out there was no risk to non-users of e-cigarettes in vapor filled rooms (the carbon dioxide from everyone breathing out is just as dangerous).
We wish the government good luck in pushing through a new bill that will enable the selling of nicotine-filled electronic cigarettes in countries where they have been banned (Canada, for instance).  The bans were mostly founded on a lack of empirical evidence, and the stigma attached to the words 'cigarette' and 'nicotine', as I understand it.

Happy Vaping!

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